Thursday, August 15, 2013

Playing for Chedworth August 2013

It had been sixteen years since I played in the old Norman village of Chedworth, Gloucestershire.The beautiful Saint Andrew's Church was the setting for a benefit concert for the recently established Chedworh Society, raising funds for the fabric of the church and other preservation goals of this ancient village. I played a program of Brahms, Schubert Debussy and Jerome Kern for a full house of very appreciative listeners. Afterwards a reception was held in the garden of the Manor House, in full mid-summer bloom. I had quite a few friends from London and one couple from Scotland,recently relocating to Cirencester, just a few miles away.

I first came to Chedworth in 1969 as a guest of Ruth Croome, a longtime London friend. I dedicated the concert to her memory, and tried to select music I knew she would love. Ruth was a great friend of the village, and took a particular interest in the local school, knowing well it was important to keep such a good school going in such a small place. Now the Cotswolds are world famous, and much of the property is owned by people who come down for the weekend. But it is still basically a farming area, and when I was there they were just beginning to harvest the huge grain fields on the surrounding hills. The village has a wonderful community hall, and supports a choir, a brass ensemble and a bell ringing group at the church. Although just an hour and a half from London by car,the area seems far more remote, and rather lost in time...a valued virtue in this day and age.

A local resident remarked that I had been coming to Chedworth longer than many in the audience, which gave me rather a start. I managed to raise 1200 British Pounds for the
Chedwoth Society, much to the delight of the organizers. It was my great pleasure to do so. Ruth would have been proud.

PHTO: Christine Matthews, Copyright by permission

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